Friday, August 19, 2011

Complete Bust : Plan B

The house is a complete bust. My realtor finally called.

Apparently, at one time the house was a HUD home, so the Bank decided to turn the whole thing over to HUD.

Which means that it could be 4 days from now, or 4 months from now or never before the house is released for sale. So basically, this house is foreclosed for the 2000 dollars that no one could agree to pay to the water filtration installer.

So, I still stuck in the house from brown and am currently moving my stuff back out of the storage unit I rented.  Still quietly, the landlady's son is still a scary dude. Three people have  moved out of their rent houses since I started living here.


I am planning on using the down payment money to pay off the last of the student loan, and the last of the outstanding credit card. I can then take the money I was spending on that and spend half on paying down the loan on the truck and putting the rest into the savings account. (That should make the mortgage people happy next time I go looking for money.) 

Next. talking to my realtor about finding a place that I can rent (cheaply) for a two or three months that I can do the build at. I'm not really feeling confident about finding a place, but I will ask.

Now Radical Concept:  Buy a commercial trailer and disguise it to look period.


First build a Viking Tent:

Then BUY: YES: BUY  
(Ok you can rent one if you can find one to rent.)

 So Simply Park the ALINER, put your Viking Tent up around it.

And the PERIOD POLICE Can't Say Anything!!!!

Ok, so it's not much for a Plan B. But I'm working on it.

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