Friday, September 30, 2011

Maybe a trailer

There is the Perfect trailer for sale on Craigs list: 7x17 and most importantly no rail bars!

I have emailed the owner to see if it is still available!

While I still would not have anywhere to put it if I get, at least I would have a trailer to start.

(So it is a little longer than I was considering, I'll just add a porch! )


UPDATE: October 1th 2011

Had an email back from the owner: No one else has even inquired at this point.
So if nothing goes wrong, i.e. someone else buys it in the next two days... I have emailed to make arrangements to pick it up Tuesday!

I have warned the landlady that I would be bringing it home for a week or so, if I can't find a place to park it. There might be a chance that I could park it at work, which is why I'm not picking it up Monday, because I'll have to ask permission first. 

Lighting a candle to the Goddess now!


Called the owner Billy and told him I could come out on Wednesday. And a friend with a house has agreed to let me park it at their place temporarily while I continue to try to find a place to build. And a third friend has an in with the High School welding instructor who loves weird projects like this for his welding students to practice on, so if I need any welding done.. Grin.  Plus, and I Really Love this part: Billy went out and took the sign off of the trailer today until I could take a look at it. :) There are days I REALLY LOVE TEXAS!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Hot in Texas

Well, not much to report at this post.

The weather continues with a drop in temps to the 80's this last week but those temps will be climbing this next week.

Emergency water rationing has been called in the city and what is coming out of the sink has a slightly brown tinge to it. And donation of water, gatoraid and eye drops are being taken at local area business for the firefighter still battling the blazes that have consumed some much land, and homes.

No success yet on finding a place to work on the vardo either, and my assistant has gotten totally sun burnt and I have to go to work this evening for her. 

So all in all a rather depressing weekend.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Finding an trailer for the Fall

So I've been trying to find a trailer to rent for this November for the Texas Renaissance  Festival.

Now on the interstate there is a little house with a little Casita sitting out front.


It's a Casita Liberty Deluxe, I found out as I went over and asked if I could rent it.

The family that owns it, just laughed, they were worried that I wanted to buy it.

Apparently, I was the 15th person to wander by and ask about their little travel trailer.
While I was the 15th to stop by I was the first to ask if I could rent it. Out of luck there, they too are using it Thanksgiving weekend.

A good canvas tarp to put over my tent looks like the more economical option and as 8x16 is about 50 dollars. I'm thinking of going with that and a few inexpensive plastic tarps for the sides of my 10x10 gazebo.

Best I can do until I find a place to build my vardo.